
I own a 25-year-old "antique" Mustang myself. ;) Sure they're mostly old enough that you'd expect to see them in a junkyard, but this one seems much more classic-centric. The Foxes look pretty new compared to the rest.

How did he get in in the first place? Don't they check at the border (in at least one of the countries he passed through) to make sure he actually owns the car? Sure it's not registration he was missing, but you'd think he would need to present his license at some point in time. Even if he and the car were flown in,

38 is definitely not a Forester. It's a 5-door hatch, but not a wagon.

Yup! We have a pretty nice selection of junkyards in the area surrounding Atlanta. This place is a diamond in the rough for gearheads, especially with Road Atlanta nearby.

In this picture, the red sign is exactly the same as the white one. I mean exactly the same. There's no additional information that would need to be censored. So, my question is... why does stuff like this happen so often? I can understand completely different areas having different levels of blurriness, but so often

Fuck your shitty article, Orlove.

Typo, probably.

I dunno, man. I'm sticking with Spongebob here.

Obviously that one is The Matrix. I mean the one on the left, in the yellow square.

Pretty sure that's the car from the Spongebob movie.


It's hard to tell.. Did the passenger get ejected? WHILE the car was rolling? That's how people get chopped in half. He's incredibly lucky.

I saw it at Road Atlanta a while back. No pictures of it specifically, but you can clearly see it here.

The one that even Jalopnik has never heard of.

I love how the journalist is the first to ask if the driver is alright. xD One of the standard rules of being human is "He who wrecks the car shall check the passengers."

My question is: Can I have a dollar?

I don't know, but there's a little pickup truck hiding in there. It looks oddly cute.

I did not know the Villager's rear window could do that.

Those Cavalier wheels are actually quite awesome. I love the '80s/'90s abstract geometric wheel phase. They're all just neat. Those are no exception.
