
Honda's slab-sided adventuremoble was supposed to be the kind of car that 30-somethings drove to Yosemite for a week of mountain kayak free climbing or whatever hippies do these days. Making the Element out of wood could only make the car seem more nature-friendly.

Comes with a side marker, too!

Yeah, but I wasn't going to bother posting the same thing as 50 other people, so I went with my second guess.


To be honest, I would probably be too scared. I like to think I'd try to play hero, but all it takes is for him to hear me coming and I'm dead.

This is the only reason ever to own a Nissan Leaf.

I can't even imagine being the driver of that white car. Just... How do you even react to something like this? I wouldn't be able to believe that it was really happening.

Well, I don't really know what happened. Just that I noticed caution tape around a few spaces and, since I was always fascinated with police and/or construction work, my mom took me over to see what was going on. And that's about it. Just two burnt-up cars and nothing else around them.

I remember when I was little and my dad got home from Peru after a month. I was more excited about the blackened Camaro shell and partially burnt Trailblazer I found in the parking garage. I remember my mom talking about how sad it was, and I realize that now, since some people were out enjoying their vacations

It's great that the bicyclist wasn't an ordinary pedestrian. If he was standing, he would have been much lower and taken the full impact. Instead he pretty much got a large metal spanking and ended up in the world's fastest trust fall.

1, 6, and 10 crossed the line. 4 is right on the line. 3 and 7 are dangerously close.

But these are not offensive.

That's true, but still not enough to ruin the whole thing.

That Morgan one isn't the slightest bit tacky. It's an ordinary layout with all the inner workings exposed. That's not at all uncommon, and it never fails to look neat.

I never said he's not.

I still say innocent until proven guilty. We have no idea why he crashed. Could have been as simple as glancing at the radio at the worst possible moment, or a medical problem, or, yes, being inattentive.

If you would read, you'd understand that I'm not. I'm calling that woman an asshole for yelling at him instead of checking on him and the Altima driver.

He could have been looking at the road and most likely was. It's not often the car in front of you is just stopped.

Also, that's not what they were yelling about anyway. They were mad at him for disrupting their procession.

Did people seriously yell at the guy? What the fuck does it matter if that's a funeral procession or not? Your first reaction should be "Oh my god, I hope everyone is alright." Not "Oh my god, I'm going to murder that guy."

I can honestly say I have never seen a rusted van get pulled over. If anything, those get off the easiest of all old/rusty cars.
In its place should be minivans. Cops get terrified at the probability there are kids inside, so if you slip up just once, they're on you.

They did let the owner of the beige SUV move it, and it was just as close to the edge.

Apparently its owner wanted to move it but the firefighters wouldn't let her. This was FIFTEEN MINUTES before it fell in. She had way more than enough time to save her car.