
I didn't say that. If it locked up on its own, that means it already dug into her as much as it possibly could before it caught on to something.

Oh my god I hope the wheel stopped because of the guy's reflexes and not because it got locked up on her.

Oh my god. Chilling is an understatement. I really hope everyone's okay.

And it's possible that all of the blood on the ground is from a couple dozen women PMSing at the same time.
Point is why the hell does it matter why the smoke is there? It's there and it's chilling and I hope that everyone is going to be okay.

Yeah, we didn't start doing that until 1776!

Should say "If you somehow need more evidence that car sideshows — the act of stopping traffic on the highway so you and your buddies can do donuts or burnouts — are supremely idiotic, then throw away your license and take public transportation for the rest of your life because you're a moron."

How do you get in a horse in the first place?

The cameraman was just recording the train coming in, when she happened to jump down. It's not like he whipped out his phone to record instead of helping her; he just already was recording and there wasn't really anything he could do.

Not sure. I don't think so, though.

Looks like it.... But nope.

Yes, keeping a good distance helps a ton when the car ahead slows significantly, but when that car goes from 70 to 0 in the blink of an eye, you're screwed even if you're keeping a good distance.

Team Hyundai, or something.

Reminds me of the posters Falken gave out at the Petit Le Mans.

Most of the vehicles I can think of that don't need a wagon are Kawasakis, Piaggios, Harley-Davidsons, and Yamahas.

Being considerate benefits everyone and doesn't inconvenience you. There are so many people who will refuse to let off the gas for two seconds to let you move over into their lane in time to make the exit. Or maybe there's no room on the other side of the intersection but you have a green light. STILL FUCKING STOP OR

Nahh, the Soul is awesome. I agree that the first-gen xB is way better than the second, but honestly I would put the Soul as a close second for the station-wagons-that-look-like-miniature-SUVs-and-minivans-at-the-same-time genre.

I don't think the Eclipse tries too hard. It may not really be cool, but it doesn't go around pretending it's the shit.

And, in my own opinion, the xB kind of is cool. And now I'll see my way out.

I'm seeing a Cobalt. First thing to pop into my head, and I'm sticking with it.

Towing a car by the rear wheels without locking the steering first? Are you sure it wasn't the towing company that did all the damage?

The skateboarders are on the right side of the road and only putting themselves in danger. (And motorcyclists, I guess, but that would still be a freak accident if they got hit) The FJ cruiser is a gigantic brick of steel lurking on the wrong side of the road around blind corners. Of course he's the asshole.