Ravenous Sophovore

Even with a positive review I can’t muster much interest in this, particularly given the director and how often Square games have disappointed in recent years. Still going to wait on a sale.

It’s going to take more than a transparent PR move to win any approval from anyone, but I’m still happy this will save lives.

Less panicky, more the unwarranted confidence of a 15 year old.

I never got into MSTK3 as a kid. Maybe it’s time to give it a try.

I’m not talking about testing, though. I’m talking about treatment and the visit to the hospital itself if it turns out you don’t have COVID-19.

Yep.  Hence “still”.

Hopefully this helps swing public opinion further towards the merits of single payer healthcare.

Are you living in some alternate reality where no one commits illegal acts? Because I want to visit, thanks.

I like Annie’s boxed Mac and Cheese more. Especially if you use yogurt instead of butter when making the sauce.

You know, you and others who keep posting what you’re cooking/baking should start including recipes. I know this is Kotaku and not Takeout, but still, that sounds nummy as heck.

But would you be willing risk getting COVID-19 and giving it to someone who could die from it?

Today has really been a day to reinforce my tendency towards misanthropy. I hope this exposure to sunlight does more to the company than it would to the coronavirus.

If so, they picked exactly the wrong spokesperson.  Those pillows are deeply uncomfortable.

“I’ve been basing my policy decisions on willful ignorance that will definitely cost people their lives. But it’s cool, voter suppression and tribalism will keep me in grift... I mean, office.”

One of my dad’s favorite sayings is that your crap will always multiply for fill whatever space you’re in and then a little extra.

Good point about COVID-19.

Why is it Nintendo never seems to make enough of anything to meet demand?

What’s old is new again. 

It requires having location set to always to work.  

Not even close. It’s rock paper scissors where if you win or not is wholly based on which mons you each field first.