
Wow, quick start to the butthurt today.

“Hold my beer.” - Roman Polanski

What about his ability to drive in runstoxicated?

This is such a deadspin comment that it deserves a star, no matter what other people in the last 16 minutes think

He already got 5 mill for the years he played. He won’t get anything else though. He actually can’t even play for Korean teams either since he’s under the Pirate’s control (although they can grant permission if asked.) Basically, he lost a ton of money. I’m a Bucs fan, but I can’t feel that sorry for him. Once is a

His lawyer argued, to no avail, that he presents zero threat to the public safety, given his stolen base numbers.


I was really disappointed I missed the Jets “This is why your team sucks” but then I remembered that every day is that for me.

No one expects the Jets to contend this season century

You can tell the Jets are hated most of all by their own fans because the first dozen responses Drew lists are all one-sentence screams of despair into the void.

If you bet on the Jets to lose, they will manage to win just to spite you.

Well, I’m sorry for what happen

He’s treating pro wrestling like it’s a predetermined, sport-based entertainment product. Like the NFL.

I was gonna reply “nobody did that” but Marchman handled it better.

That’s not true, pro wrestling is a competitive sport just like basketball or soccer.

Knowing the deposition of Vince “GET RID OF ELIAS’S LAST NAME GODDAMMIT” McMahon, it was probably more like “Ah, who gives a shit, pal!”

Well I guess you ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

I know this is a troll article but putting both Ænima and Sargent Pepper On this list is a travesty.

et tu dum dum?

I’ll say, what a cloister fuck Benedict XVI was...