
I started watching the video, but then I quickly realized I didn’t give a f*ck what this guy thinks. Had this been a written article, I wouldn’t have known this guy was a douchebag and stopped giving a f*ck until several paragraphs in. So the video actually saved me some time.

Quality of work was never really an issue. It was the mafia-style mentality.

Neutral: I once worked as a electrical & controls engineer (industrial PLC programmer, basically) alongside the IBEW in Philadelphia. I honestly feared for my life at one point during that job. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that, except that I know they’re not all that bad, but it strongly shaped my opinion of

So... stick to lifehacking?

the result is a car about half as light as your traditional one, with a ten percent overall reduction in mass.”

If you ever wonder whether a car salesman is bullshitting you, just check to see if his lips are moving.

Wow. Too bad you didn’t read this article when it was published, huh? I find myself gravitating more towards 9 & 3 as well these days, to be honest. All my cars seem to have the little thumb rests set to that position, which encourages me to do so. Even my pickup puts them there. Wonder if that’s a deliberate design

That’s already been explained twice, but thanks for your efforts.

Time travel + cocaine + questionable business practices can only mean one thing.

I hate to be the one to “actually” you, but...

That’s interesting, since the original Honda Insight had a manual transmission.

Three words:

Were? Dude, they’re still around. Just made a new album this year.

Now playing

The original Meat Puppets version, for the uninitiated:

I love Star Wars as much as the next guy, but that’s a total CP from me. I still can’t wrap my head around the STAR VANRS logo...

Today I learned that “Prei” is German for “Piece of”

It’s at least 50% better looking. So it’s got that going for it.

In this case it may serve an explicit purpose, giving a potential buyer the impression that the photo was taken in 2019, not 1989, and that the condition of the car is current.

On the bright side, it’s not called the Crozz.