
Cool. I’ll fire up the machine in my living room.

“knight” (pronounced with a hard k)

It affects all trucks. The “small truck” issue is brought up because, like small cars, the profit margins are slim. Currently all small trucks are built outside the US, and importing them with a 25% tariff erases that profit and then some. Plus, the US market for small trucks isn’t big enough to support production

He doesn’t need them.

I dunno, he’s convinced a lot of people of a lot of stuff that isn’t exactly true. I doubt it would take much.

That’ll never fly unless we told everyone we were doing it for the environment and not the auto industry.

You know, Grandma, those genes didn’t just fall out the sky.

There’s probably some good advice there, too.

Start saving your pennies now. I can only imagine how expensive these things are going to be...

I’m sure there will be no shortage of people with vinyl cutters in their living room willing to sell you a set of stickers for the hood on eBay.

Both ugly. Just ugly in different ways.

It’s not uglier, or less ugly. Just different ugly.

Sounds like visibility will be decent, too; the A-pillar has been designed to minimize blind spots

Google’s willingness to abandon products and practices at the request of employees is directly proportional to the effect it will have to their bottom line.

Now playing

Feels like this is what they’re going for. Dredging up this memory was pretty horrifying, which bodes well for this movie.

No, what’s funny is Musk, in this interview, cops to something he flat-out said just wasn’t true only three months ago.

So does Qi’ra.

That’s ok. He doesn’t know who you are, either. Probably.

Do you live next to the interstate? I’d never get to sleep at night with all that road noise...

Yeah, I brought that up after seeing Black Panther. Great movie, but the notion that the most advanced society on Earth still picks its leaders via heredity and/or backyard brawl is kinda messed up. At least in that movie, it basically showed how that was a really, really bad idea.