
The truth is...

Contract delivery services other than the big three or local courier companies. Basically a guy with a van hired as a contractor by Amazon, but not technically an Amazon employee.

I haven’t seen this episode yet, but I have to say that the CGI in this series is significantly better than it’s ever been. Those spiders in last week’s episode were spot on. They looked like they could have crawled right out of the screen and into my nightmares.

Well we got Luke Cage, Iron Fist,and Daredevil if you’re into those. Haunting of Hill House is pretty good (I liked it, my wife didn’t, YMMV).

I disagree. I thought the movie was boring and uninteresting. If the mark of a great storyteller is one that can make an old story interesting again, I think he failed in this case. You’re welcome to your opinion.

Hell is other people.

James Cameron is no joke as a storyteller

It was a nice car to drive, too. Not spectacular, but I would have taken one over a a lot of other mid-size sedans. 

I didn’t mean to imply plagarism, just a similarity.

For the Morlocks, the sewers are a place where mutants with obvious, physical manifestations of their X-genes need not disguise their bodies. Here, they can live freely away from the anti-mutant bigots topside.

Well over 40 and I only have one of those things. Am I doing it right?

OP is pushing 30 and is “too old” for a hot hatch.

I guess my point was that it was described in the article as an “impressive” towing ability. 20 years ago that would be impressive for a mid-size truck, but today it’s only average.

Oh snap.

I hope the towing capacity is a bit higher. The reported 6,500 lbs puts on par or below the Tacoma and Frontier. The Colorado/Canyon will already do 7k, and the Ranger is rumored to beat that number. 6.5k is good but nothing spectacular or noteworthy for a truck of that size.

Hey, I don’t make the rules.

Yes. Any car based on a Beetle is disqualified.

So I have a friend that dresses his car up when we hold an autocross close to Halloween. This was his Mustang a couple years ago. I think this was the year he dressed his toddler up as Burt Reynolds, too.

I don’t know, but it’s probably a single 45-letter word.

Aaaand like most Haynes manuals, they’ll tell you how to remove and replace the hyperdrive encabulator, but fail to mention that the entire stern cargo cowl has to be removed, and that you need a special hydrospanner that is only available from the dealer on Corellia.