
If the government would just get off their asses and make forward-facing cameras mandatory, this never would have happened.


obviously they’re not speaking modern English

I didn’t think there could be a sadder, more gut-wrenching ending to an Avengers movie than the last one, but you just proved me wrong.

To eliminate confusion, they should just rename it the Meh-coSport. Would be more appropriate.

it’s pronounced “echo-sport” as opposed to “ekko-sport.”

Chuck Norris wishes he was Chuck Yeager.

This. It will be the Ford GT/NSX debacle all over again.

has fewer moving parts than a conventional piston engine, helping with maintenance and longevity

I don’t think that’s true. If you squeeze them real hard, stuff comes out. I think it’s made from that.

It’s like Black Mirror gone to 11.

This whole concept sounds like the plot of a Black Mirror episode.

Yes, it is lazy fabricating. But in this particular case, it’s ok. No one is going to die and the end product will look the same whether you make a perfect bead or a sloppy spattery mess.

Yeah, they are some of the worst welds I’ve ever seen. But... it really doesn’t matter in this case because


They were in a barn when he “found” them. Therefore, barn find.


Having that shovel there will cost you 5mpg. Of course, if you’re hooning it, fuel mileage is probably not a high priority.

Don’t make me hit you, baby, one more time.