
I mean, considering how much personally identifiable data is currently being collected through Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, your credit card company, your bank, your internet provider, Microsoft, and probably Kinja... yeah, seriously. Who cares if they know I prefer Britney to Cristina.

After studying the radio listening habits of 90,000 GM car owners, it has been determined that our “real people” ads, targeting customers with terrible taste and/or lower than average IQ, has been largely successful.

Elon went to Harbor Freight and bought a bunch of these, and now he’s “building his own car haulers”.

I mean, there’s lots of things Christians believe that don’t make sense, so...

My dad bought a 77 Alfa Spider on eBay sight unseen.

I get what you’re trying to say, but no.  The current millennium started in 2001. Just like the current year started on January 1, 2018, not September 25, 2017.

Interesting that most of the “worst” cars of the current millennium actually started life in the previous one. Shows how far we’ve come.

Why did nobody warn me?

Jack Nicholson’s Joker had an origin story, and that one turned out ok.

Young Saru, full of ingenuity and a level of curiosity uncommon among his people, yearns to find out what lies beyond his village, leading him on an unexpected path.

(i.e. not Magneto, finally).

The general design philosophy behind the ND Miata, and all Miatas for that matter, was “Passengers only add unnecessary weight. Fuck ‘em.”

“the Netflix space to live everything super, sci-fi, the fantastic, and beyond.”

Good point. As we all know, there’s a big difference between “all dead” and “mostly dead”. Have fun storming the castle!

these will presumably be shows directly tying in to the state of Marvel’s movie universe

And then they did it again with Jack Nicholson. And then they screwed the pooch with a young actor (see lead image). So how is using an older actor bad again?

Is it impacting the price of bacon? If not, I don’t care. We can make more pigs if we need to. 


Not if you want to fool the EPA.

I watch it when I can. It’s been better racing than the two hours of parade laps that F1 has been lately. I don’t yet know who all the drivers and teams are, so for me it’s just interesting to watch and see what happens without being invested in a winner or loser. Kind of nice that way. I also tend to enjoy watching