
Man, I got all my money in Bitcoin, baby. Gonna be rich, rich, rich after Flo blows through! Then I can fuck all the horses I want! Hi ho Silver! Away!

Voice only doesn’t count. I need to see that goofy-ass face in a blue suit, dammit.

Crap. This may negatively impact the price of bacon. CLIMATE CHANGE AFFECTS EVERYONE PEOPLE

Saying “such as the cost of bringing to market electric cars” is not the same as saying that “electric cars are more expensive”. 

Looks a lot like in IndyCar...

It’s not cheating until someone makes a rule that says it’s cheating. Until then it’s “creative interpretation of the rules”.

When you want Nic Cage, but he’s too old.

Just throwing this out there. Could be his big chance finally.

We’re talking about two different situations. The downloads I’m talking about are DRM free mp3s, and can be played on any player, online or offline.

Also hopes they find the “real” perpetrators:

Oh well. I’m not gonna lose any sleep over that situation.

Yeah, it’s inconvenient, but its still your choice, not Google/Amazon/Apple/Facepage’s choice what happens to your collection.

Right, I should have specified music. Sorry. Although you can also download some books as epub and/or pdf on Play Books. May not apply to all of them, but the option shows on all the ones in my library (which admittedly is not large, and consists mainly of free books). Movies OTOH are right out. DRM and licensing is

It’s not as straight forward as it used to be, but you absolutely can download the digital copies from Amazon and Google.

So if I “buy” a digital album on Google Play Music, I can download it. Pretty sure Amazon is the same way. At least it used to be. Now I don’t have to worry about it disappearing from the server. If my hard drive shits the bed, that’s another story. But that’s on me, and it’s not materially different from me

I like the way you think.

Electric motors don’t have cylinders...

I think you’re off by a generation, but I wouldn’t turn away a Millennial who appreciates rad cars from this era.

HVAC just kicked in, yo.

Because we don’t want to look like old-timey baseball players?

Because we don’t want to look like old-timey baseball players?