
I don’t know if it makes any difference, but you can clearly see that the cop’s finger was not on the trigger as he pointed the gun. For whatever that’s worth.

technically known as “Hemholz resonance.”

There’s a blast from the past! Yay Roy Wort!

Which isn’t even right. Angelou said “Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station.”

Magic seat is baller. Because doggies. I would have to remove the rear seat bottom to get the Fiesta seats to fold flat. Not interested in Honda Sense. Am interested in turbo. Not interested in turbo explosions. Am interested in reliable. Not interested in noisy Honda motor. Am interested in noisy Ford exhaust. It’s a

Oh. My. God. This rivals the “I drove my brand new car into a tree and can’t believe they raised my rates” as the dumbest of them all. Yeah, go ahead and tell the person whose car you just hit that you’ll fix it with fucking marker. I dare you.

Damn, son. I had to scroll back up and take another look at the picture to figure out what you were talking about. But yeah. You nailed it. COTD and I haven’t even finished my second cup of coffee.

Man, I’m so close to doing just that. I just can’t bring myself to do it when I can get a Fiesta ST for the same money.

Shopping for a car now and saw that stat. Boggles my mind. I could easily afford that if I really wanted to, but Jesus H. Cripes. That’s a lot of money. Especially when you figure most of those payments are for 5 years of your life or more. Maybe I’m just a damn cheapskate, but to me even a $300 payment is

I love the pickup commercial running right now (can’t recall what brand) where people are proud as hell of all the dents, dings, and scratches in their fancy new trucks from all the work they’ve done in them. Which, in and of itself is cool, but...

I mean a pie made from Android parts probably won’t have much nutritional value is what I was getting at. All metal and plastic and positronic brain matter and such...

I can see it simple referred to as Android Pie. Which sounds delicious, if not necessarily nutritious.

Yes! We do! Next up: Is Peter such an asshole in real life? Or is that just his online troll persona?

Ars covered this the other day in much more detail. It may be “Ness” in Japan, but there’s plenty of official evidence for “N.E.S.” in the US, based on old TV ads and statements from Nintendo personnel.

Why charge for one streaming service, when you can charge for two?

I find it interesting that you highlighted that particular portion of a statement from an FCA automatic transmission engineer.

Just stick to a nice game of chess and don’t let it play Global Thermonuclear War

Thanos is really Khan.

Alternate headline:

I believe it’s a misinterpretation of the author hearing the words “aluminum resistance spot welding”.