
Each star is good for one (1) Internet Dollar, redeemable in the hearts and minds of all who click here.

It was. Thanks for the late vote, though.

Took me a minute, but I see what you did there. Please accept one star.

No lowballs. I know what I have.

Counterpoint: let’s encourage more of this. Not only will it cull the gene pool a bit, those videos make me lol.

It’s not ugly enough to be a real, production Toyota.

It has a 1.6L engine making 155 hp. It’s new rival, the NE Miata, makes 200hp.

That’s a pretty low bar.

I used to have one almost exactly like the one in that picture. Same color, big BFG tires on stock wheels. I miss it, and now I am sad.

major injury free for 0.27 days!

Being facetious, yes, but also not giving a crap. It’s a Spark. Is it really worth arguing about?

3300 is why the fuck not? money. This would make an awesome project to have around if I was in the market. Nice Price all day long.

Ever seen the Sahlen’s Hot Dogs racing team? They have three cars, black, red, and yellow. They refer to them as Ketchup, Mustard, and Charcoal.

I need the story behind this, pronto.

Please, God, please let this be in the next Forza Car Pack...

Daewoo, GM Korea. Tomato, tomahto.

Reverse lamps are the exception to this, due to the nature of their use (generally low speed, and only activated from a stopped position)

Don’t be too hard on him. It’s not like there’s much reason to pay attention to subcompacts from GM.

Daewoo? Sure, I see lots of Daewoos driving around all the time.

Thank you, Jalopnik! I can now die a happy man.