
We’re calling him Meth Damon now. Haven’t you heard?

COTD. Or, uh, yesterday. How many V6 Mustangs do you think it will cost?

Drat! I would have gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!

No they won’t. They’ll just take those options away. Facebook isn’t built to service its users. It’s built to service their customers, which you and I are not.

Nothing notable happened in 1978. Nothing.

Exactly my point. It’s bullshit. Of course they have the data. Their statement to Gizmodo was that they didn’t, right after they told them that it wasn’t profitable. How could they possibly know unless they have a breakdown that they denied having?

But that’s not what they said. They said they don’t break them down. Period. That’s nonsense. If they had said that they did not want to make them public, that’s an entirely different matter.

But even the crazy red sands of Crait can be found on Earth at Salar de Uyuni

Gizmodo asked Pfizer how much the company was spending annually on research to combat Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s but Pzifer replied that it doesn’t break down its R&D numbers by therapeutic area.

Last time I checked, Hotel de Glace was the only one in North America. You might try a little-known service called Google to help in your search.

What I find odd is that TR will only sell me 18" RPF1s. Mine is currently equipped with 16s. I wonder what the limiting factor is? Certainly not the brake size.

Jeebus Cripes. Somebody needs to tell the chick in that video you linked to slow. the fuck. down.

“Ford Escape RPF1" came up empty. Bummer. I might have to be the first.

I swear. 750 stars and counting, and it spawned an epic discussion about windshield wipers springs, and I still didn’t win. WTF does a guy have to do to get a little respect around here?

Premise #6: The mission failed, splitting the comet in half so instead of one impact, we now have two to worry about. Would we really be that bumblingly incompetent?

Thanks. I certainly wasn’t trying to insult the owner of this car, since I do feel bad for these folks. But this is the kind of situation where I don’t know what else to do but laugh. It’s so absurd and it’s the only way I know to make the best of a bad situation. Boston is a great town. Although I’ve never lived

At least his wipers won’t stick to the windshield. #silverlining

If he had held the camera horizontally like you’re supposed to, he would have gotten better results.

Don’t get all amped up over it. You’ll just blow a fuse.

Don’t get all amped up over it. You’ll just blow a fuse.