
Knowing a little bit about these things having owned a beater MR2 myself...

The first 3/4 of Bright was just people screaming at each other to shut the fuck up.

I’m wearing my usual tube top and Daisy Dukes

And then there’s that moment you realize that YOU are part of the “general public”, and everyone else sees you the same way that you see them.

Your God is an asshole. Thanks for your insight.

And here I thought the “major Star Trek reference” we were going to talk about was the one in the lead photo. Silly me.

If I owned a lot of stock in Target, I’d be trying hard to spread this prediction around, too.

Truth! Although entering and manipulating numbers in a spreadsheet is infinitely easier on a laptop than a magical hand computer. Also, the look on the face of a car salesman when you whip out a laptop is worth the trouble.

Well son-of-a-bitch. That wasn’t hard to find at all.

I snagged it a really long time ago, but I’ll see what I can do.

Last couple of times I bought a car, I brought a laptop or tablet with me loaded with a spreadsheet I downloaded that would calculate the particulars of a car loan for me. That way I could easily check the math (I got hosed big time the first time I bought a new car when I was young and dumb). Armed with the

When my dog was reluctant to eat, my vet gave me some dietary “high caloric” canned food to give him. It has a very potent scent that encourages dogs to eat, and sure enough, ol’ Fido couldn’t resist. It was expensive stuff, so we learned that all we had to do was mix a small spoonful into his regular food and he’d

68k/year ain’t what it used to be. Especially for a family with 5 kids screaming for a new goddamn iPhone every year, the latest Pokemon whatever, and trying to save for college for all five of those ungrateful little brats.

Define “compatible with”.

Plot twist: Elon Musk IS an alien.

So much for my desire to express my appreciation to the Air Force.

5th Gear: Car dealer sues another car dealer for being dishonest about money. This is my shocked face.

I’d buy that set just to get the car. The rest of it goes straight to the trash, an appropriate place for little plastic car salesmen.

The spherical belly turret on the Resistance Bomber was clearly modeled after the B-17. Also, the “official” name for the Resistance Bomber is the MG-100 StarFortress SF-17.

Makes sense since these guys are the B-17s of Star Wars.