
Tough love, bro.

If you want to take it that way, fine. But don’t go around thinking this guy was just downtrodden just due to “bad luck”. Good on him for seemingly trying to turn things around for himself, but he dug his own hole.

I volunteer with an organization that helps vets with PTSD, and my father-in-law is retired Air Force who suffers from that very affliction. Many of them have found ways of dealing with it without sticking a needle in their arm. That was a personal decision.

Right? The first thing that comes to my mind is “comic book”. I mean, I’m not a high-falutin’ artisty type, but there are plenty of ways to describe this style. In my experience, when an artist claims to not be able to define his style, he’s just trying to make himself sound more important and impressive than he

No it didn’t. I had an R2 with the leg, and never had the Droid Factory.

The sad state he’s in is a result of him being a drug addict for a number of years, not necessarily his country neglecting him. “Bad decisions and bad situations”. Give credit where credit is due.

Well, he was also a drug addict, which both this story and the Time story failed to mention. That’s what those “bad decisions and bad situations” were. I mean, he did a good deed and should be rewarded for it, and good on him for getting himself right, but “America” didn’t put a needle full of heroin in his arm. He

It’s not really accurate unless it comes with a third leg that you can stick into the hole in the bottom.


I think this needs to happen again. But where, and when?


I think your sarcasm detector needs to be recalibrated.

For the same reason conservatives think liberals are bad at humor. It’s not funny when someone makes your beliefs and opinions into a joke, no matter how off-the-wall they might be.

Troof. Somehow it doesn’t have the same effect as it does on the old Alfa livery.

Yeah, it’s fine, nothing spectacular. I’d like to see the traditional yellow nose again, but we know that’s not gonna happen. Would probably look weird on such a small proboscis anyway.

Where exactly does it say that it’s a three-way stop? There are references to stop signs but I don’t see any indication of where those signs are. I don’t see any in the photos either.

Volvo’s solution was to put a little trashcan in front of the front arm rest with a flapping lid. It’s fully removable and the top comes off for easy cleaning.

He-Man doesn’t have a bowl cut. It’s really more like a bob with bangs. This is a bowl cut.

You will in about 900 years.