
– as much as we are allowed to pay them per the contract


Purple-ish? Come on, dude, that droid lands solidly in the “pink” category. For girls, you know.

First she gets forced to aid in the destruction of her company’s best weapon, then tossed in a trash compactor, then she has to drive a Maxima. And an uglied-up one to boot.

Damn near, within 24 hours for sure. The complaint was lodged on Monday. The staff was informed first thing this morning, so presumably he was officially fired sometime on Tuesday. At the very least, the decision was made on Tuesday and he was given the pink slip when he got to work this morning.

Sauber knows they are only allowed three engines next year, right?

my Loki

Those are good as well, but I’m struggling to see them as “better”.

Show me a better one.

I figure it was foreshadowing. Luke also lost an appendage later in the movie.

Well good. I guess I got the point, then.

Kind of interesting how he mentions growth of Joi’s character. While I did see her evolve through the movie, the point where K interacts with the giant holographic advertisement made me question whether any of it was real. I think it was all pre-programmed. Even her choice of the name “Joe” was pretty explicitly

Neither will that, I’m afraid. Your best bet is to hire an experienced lobbyist and have him bribe as many Congresspeople as possible. ‘Merica.

I didn’t go see if because it came out during the tail end of a busy race season, then I hurt my knee and couldn’t get around very well. So basically bad timing. Hopefully I’ll catch it in the dollar theater, if not, I’ll rent it.

Yes-Man’s arch nemesis.

I hope you don’t mean this one:

You are assuming that anyone in racing had integrity and honor to begin with. If you believed that was true, I’ve got some prime real estate in Florida for sale cheap.

The ambulance took the hit pretty well, but everyone inside got knocked around pretty severely from the look of it. Good thing they were headed to a hospital already.

It’s canon, people: Frank Castle enjoys feminist critical theory, as seen by his book selection in episode two.

Isn’t that enough?