
Gotcha. Sorry about that. Time to get the ol’ sarcasm detector recalibrated, I guess.

Hate to be the one to break this to you, but LeMons isn’t actually a “24 hour race series”. Most events are two 7-9 hour long races on consecutive days. ChumpCar does the same thing.  

That doesn’t make for a very interesting YouTube video, though.

Probably. But the name lives on...

Sometimes it’s easy to pick out the guy that just read the article title and skipped right ahead to the comments section.

a car that is incredingly powerful

you’ve got a .00039% chance of being a serial killer’s victim.

Abject terror and temporary pain is still preferable to death in my book.

I would argue that, technically, the bus was fixed in neither time nor space. In space, it was fixed only relative to it’s immediate surroundings. In time... did it not exist prior to the collision, and continues to exist into the present? If not, then clearly it’s not the truck driver’s fault since he could not be

...That I Know About Right Now

I don’t think there’s ever been a more appropriate moment for this:

Hard to argue with logic like that. Be careful not to fall off the edge.

Not a big deal especially if we’re comparing to Marvel movies. I think of all the Marvel characters, the only ones that frequently use their superhero monikers are Iron Man and Captain America, and that one was mostly used in passing or as a marketing gimmick. (I’m not counting Thor because, well, that’s his actual

Sadly, no. Results from the WMAP cosmic microwave background radiation showed that the universe is flat and does not wrap around on itself.

Last Thanksgiving my sister and I were going to be the only ones in town, so we came up with the idea of making a T-Giving pizza. The crust would be made of our family recipe poppy seed roll (rolicke), with gravy as the sauce, turkey, stuffing, beans, etc for toppings.

All the stars, sir. Well done.

Excuse me?

Luke, I am your Fathier.

Like the homeless guy standing on a street corner with a sign that says “Need Money For Beer and Cigarettes”, I appreciate the honesty but it doesn’t make you any less of a bum.