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Pfft. These guys have been doing it for 43 years non-stop.

Mi Drift... how does one pronounce that? Mee Drift? My Drift? Mid-rift?

I finally figured out where I’ve seen Cisco’s superhero costume before:

Yes. Batshit.

Loud farts can be quite entertaining when executed properly.

This right here is winning at Halloween

It is my sincere belief that the Duffer Brothers must be Jalopnik readers. After the first article on the cars in season 1, they seem to have gone overboard placing interesting cars in season 2 for Jason to report on. They even made ONE mistake again, possibly just to see if Jason was paying attention!

Seems like a bit of a stretch, but its possible. If he is talking about Rey, it’s kind a weird to say that “she’s hiding who she is”. Technically she doesn’t know who she is. Someone else is hiding that information from her and everyone else.

When being polite to one person means being an asshole and inconveniencing another (usually more)... it’s not really being polite.

They tried to make a robot to test how comfortable they were to sleep in. Turned out their union factory workers were far more efficient.

This. I also work in automation, and recall not only seeing robotic seat testers way back then (even earlier, actually, as I was a co-op in the mid-90s), but they were also nicknamed “Robutt”. It’s a pretty obvious nickname, really.

Re: Adam Driver, there’s nothing in that quote that definitively says that he was talking about Rey. Even the GQ link is only implying that he means Rey. He could have been talking about some other female character for all we know. 

I’ve never actually thought of Chipotle as Mexican food. Call it whatever you want, though, it’s pretty fuckin tasty.

Not afraid of the act of flying in an airplane. Deathly afraid of the pain in the ass that it is these days to get on said airplane, and the miserable experience of sitting on that airplane for several hours.

Boom. Here’s your Captain Marvel.

Are you trying to tell me that some of those Nazis were “very fine people”?

So is Hulk. Like I said, just making it up as I go along. Glad we both agree that Hitler was bad.

She came into the world to fight in WWI, which was pretty bad. After thinking that things would get better, suddenly Hitler and Hydra shows up. She helps bring him down and just says “Fuck it. You people are hopeless. Mom was right.” So she goes into hiding until Batman and Superman get together and she finally has a