
I think something that might have helped was school starting back up for the year. I had A LOT of kid sounding people screaming obscenities and racial slurs in my ear May - July, very few before and after.

Don´t wait on them to help... in México we don´t trust our goverment, so civilians and private organizations have been helping a lot more, and ... I think the lack of empathy of Trump is worse than Peña Nieto´s (and thats a LOT to say D: )

The point is QUALITY. A DSLR (or mirrorless) is a serious camera, head and shoulders better quality and options than any webcam or phone.

For Bison, that was the most painful day of his life. For Chun-Li, it was Tuesday

Try pink butcher paper instead of foil

Try pink butcher paper instead of foil

PSA: I will pay someone to get on the fucking payload.

You do realize that a 64-bit and 32-bit are not the same and after awhile supporting 32-bit APIs is counterproductive?

The really great thing is, you don’t have to be alone with a woman to take away her access to health care.

It’s a step in the right direction and the people complaining are exactly the people we want to get rid of in higher tiers (Master+). These are the people that don’t play for a week, get on and play like shit, and then ruin the rank of other players. It will also weed out boosted players who only play ranked with a

I said this in another blog post...

i’m sad people don’t get that you actually answered her question

Like you said, you’re not American.

Aha, a fellow moderate! I thought I was the only one, watching glumly as extremists from both sides of the coin point fingers and jabber at one another. Good to know I’m not alone.

We have an amazing ability as Americans to conflate any sort of fame or notoriety into wisdom, knowledge or authority.

Snowden was a whistleblower that uncovered some seriously shady shit the US government was doing (That was against public Policy, BTW, hence his argument that policy doesn’t matter). Great, I am glad

It feels like when people argue over which gaming console, or car make is better. You cant just disagree and maybe discuss an argument. Someone has to be a clear victor and the other is obviously missing key parts of their brain ( or other insults). There is no middle ground.

Can’t anyone just be wrong anymore? Do they also have to be a “fucking idiot”?

So is it not just the remnants of the dead god Preservation reaching out to empower allomancers?

The very first 23 levels will still be faster. But when you reset at level 100/200/300/etc. it will no longer be like you’re level 1 again. Every level after the initial 23 will be 20k XP instead of the previous 22k. That’s 200k xp saved every 100 levels. I’m not sure exactly what it worked out to before, but it’s

Sale is on the previous model the 66, not 68. It is a good router, but not as good as the 68

Sale is on the previous model the 66, not 68. It is a good router, but not as good as the 68