Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

anyone shortsighted/blindered enough to stay in their seats over this and complain, just keep rattling your chains to show how much you love being free

Some Americans actively root for their masters, until this changes we will all continue to suffer. 

Ajay Thakore, otherwise known as Ace Rogers”

Okay, even if we hadn’t already known in the leadup that this was a colossal asshole, we’d have known right here.

If the unionized workers are employed by Cognizant why should Google have to negotiate with them?

Google terminated that contract

I’m not saying they shouldn’t earn more, but if their paycheck is from a contracting firm, they should negotiate with that company to get increased pay. Most of those companies pay less than 50% of the billable rate. I know some of that goes to benefits and overhead (like paying my boss), but when all they are selling

Am I the only one who read that these are not google employees... Gizmodo has a hard on for attacking google.

$19hr won’t get you shit almost anywhere anymore. Not even a small town.

Slightly confused on this getting Google to the table, part - they are Cognizant employees, not Google employees.  They are/were on the Cognizant contract with Google and Google terminated that contract.  Not sure how this is a Google dealing with Unions thing when these aren’t Google employees.  What am I missing?

Yeah this is garbage clickbait. Can someone point to a single example ever of a major corporation collectively bargaining with the employees of their vendor?

“Cognizant shared a statement with Gizmodo that disputes the claim that the workers were laid off: “Nobody was laid off yesterday,” the statement reads. “A contract expired and the Austin-based employees are still Cognizant employees.”

They can’t be “laid off” by Google if their contract ended. They’re not Google’s workers, they’re Cognizant’s, the distinction is not small and not by accident on Google’s part. Google has no legal requirement to bargain with Cognizant’s unionized workers.

19/hr wont get you shit in austin. youll have to have 3 other roommates

jesus fucking christ. i live near a lot of train crossings like this and they scare the crap out of because of this exact scenario. everytime i come to one i slow down or stop just to make super sure im safe. ive seen so many near misses from people being hella stupid and lack of crossing warnings. 

Speak for yourself.  It was certainly important to us in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

You are right that Stan Lee was not thinking about it in the 60s, but the “Mutant Metaphor” being applied to queerness has been a thing for 30 years now. Honestly if you believe Claremont, he says he was applying it when he wrote the X-Men in the 80s so you could even argue 40 years.

If these bigots don’t like queerness in their X-Men stories I have very bad news for them about Chris Claremont’s entire run on the series and everything any writer has done since then that built on his characterization and subtext. Storm? Queer. Shadowcat? Queer. Rachel Summers? Queer. Psylocke? Queer. Iceman? Queer.

What a miserable exhausting life these people live.

That was a lot of noise about not a lot.