Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

No reason to *ever* be in west Baltimore. Sad story.

Harris has been charged with first-degree murder, attempted murder and a few other gun charges, The Banner reports. Because he’s under 21 years old, he cannot legally own a handgun.

Am I reading this wrong, or does this TOS update after the breach impact what happened with the breach? 

I’m not a lawyer, but I do work in cyber security. You don’t exfiltrate data like that in a day, it is done over months. There is a very high likelihood that 23andme knew about this breach for weeks before disclosing anything (standard procedure to gather evidence and understand scope). If they changed the TOS after

The other problem is finding repair shops that will repair to sub-micron tolerances.

“Looting” you say? Hunter was offered the position. You’d take it too, I don’t care what you claim.

Problem here is timing: who knew Ukraine would wind up so square in the world’s spotlight with Trump trying to blackmail Zelensky who desperately needed military aid. Save your outrage for Orange Julius who truly

66% of players aren’t furries?

The real purpose of this stuff is to normalize criminal behavior in the nation’s collective consciousness, to enable actual criminals like the Trump family to continue to thrive. In my opinion, there is a precedent for what to do with Mr. Trump, who incited rebellion against this country. A man named John Brown was

This is true for the scheming politicians who used abortion to forward their grasp for power. But there ar plenty of true believers of Christian taliban that want to keep going- abortion, then birth control, then gay marriage, then interracial marriage. Uncle Thomas teed up the birth control and gay marriage in his

They are also stuck in a place where they have to keep pushing it in their primaries to get on the ticket, but then dealing with the fallout in the general elections (at least on statewide votes). I don’t think they really expected the level of blowback they’ve gotten since it passed, which is why all of the new

BREAKING NEWS: Joe Biden good father, Republicans pissed

Yep, 100% agree with this. I’ve always maintained that the GOP never actually wanted “Roe” to be overturned - it was far too useful to them as a fundraising issue and social issue to rile up the crazies. When the decision was announced, GOP leaders had to have been celebrating on the outside and freaking out on the

Since Roe v Wade got overturned and everyone who cried fake votes lost their election/got sued into oblivion, it’s getting a bit harder to enrage the base. Waiting for the next turd that will stick to the wall.

There is something seriously wrong with the Republican party these days. I’m not sure they will ever be able to recover their sanity. 

This is nothing. Comer now has credible evidence that Joe Biden himself did not scrunch down the inner bag, which directly led to half a box of Cheerios becoming stale.

Because Hunter Biden is a fuckup, that’s why. And so far all the GOP has ever managed to dig up... is that Hunter has been a fuckup. And so far as I’ve seen, it’s not illegal to be a fuckup. We all know one. Most of us have at least one in our families.

He did do a lot of cocaine, just saying.

Usually people who are struggling financially do not make sound financial decisions. That would be my guess.

Why does anyone buy a Raptor? 

Give Comer some credit here — he knows full well that all he has to do is serve up a theory....any theory....and Fox (and OANN) will blow it up 1000x and then run with it. His intended audience neither requires nor even wants actual proof, facts, or logic — they just want an accusation that they can repeat all over