Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

I lived in AZ for a spell where it is open carry. I used to keep a (legal) handgun in my center console where my vehicle registration was. The few times I got pulled over I always immediately declared that I had a gun and would ASK the officer for permission to reach into my center console with one hand to retrieve it

I guess he fucked around and found out. These SC types will never go quietly, it’s in their ethos. And he probably wasn’t most certainly going to surrender to a non-white officer at that. The two types (SC and racists) tend to congregate in the same circles.

I just don’t know where to start....

None more than previously (which is basically none). All they did was (possibly, upon further independent testing) remove one of many hurdles to make a superconductive material that has everyday, practical uses.

Rampant pedophilia...fine!

As a long time centrist, more of a middle of the road non-partisan really, but in the past was a little more Republican leaning, I sure am glad I live in a blue state. And I really have started moving from center to left due to all these crazy ass “Republicans” just really fucking things up. They’ll literally be the

Yeah, that apology rings hollow from that man-child. Most likely, he saw what the payout would be to fire the guy (as they would still owe what is due him for the sale of his company) and decided it was just cheaper in the short term to keep him on then to pay out what is owed him.

Yeah, my cousin still swears by them. They’re useless of course.

Or, you know, some Hydrogen Peroxide in each ear will break up the ear wax then just suction it out with a suction bulb. My go to, easy peasy.

Yeah, when I saw him syphoning gas from a car I laughed out loud and my Fance was like “what are you laughing at”, and I told her the same thing about needing to get fresh gas every spring and that whatever was left in that cars tank on the show was probably just water by now.

*Puts a reassuring hand on JessW420's shoulder*

I’ve started referring to these idiots as the anti-woke woke crowd. They’re woke about being anti-woke. A few acquaintances I have like this were not amused when I called them the anti-woke woke crowd. *shug*

Between Pegasus (NRO group) and now this, the Israelis aren’t making themselves look too “democracy friendly”.

But, but, but... Biden said everything would be fixed as soon as his infrastructure plan was passed. Why hasn’t he pushed his magic button to instantly fix all infrastructure like he promised? Why are we still having train derailments? It’s Bidens fault, and his plan isn’t working!

Meanwhile Dark Biden is in the background...

Dumped OnePlus due their horrible OS (among other things). Went with Pixel7. With $100 off and $150 dollar trade in for my OP8, I paid almost half what this phone cost. Much better, wireless charging, IP68, and regular updates. Slightly smaller screen and battery than this phone. Hell, even without a trade in you can

Yet another reason I dumped OnePlus. Most phones and carriers are bad enough at sucking up your user data, add an authoritarian regime to it and no thanks.

“We are pleased to have amicably resolved this matter,” Activision media relations VP Joe Christinat told Kotaku in a statement. “As the order recognizes, we have enhanced our disclosure processes with regard to workplace reporting and updated our separation contract language. We did so as part of our continuing

I once worked for this guy who was one of the most negative people I have ever met in my life, period. He also suffered short man complex and had to be the one who was always right. Even when you were right, he would go out of his way to prove he was even more right than you. It was an agonizing three months I worked