Jackie Daytona_RegularHumanGuy

Was there an injunction against Nintendo to not use the Kadabra? I don’t know all the details of the lawsuit but it seems if there was no injunction (or whatever the legalese is for preventing the action) they should have just kept printing Kadabra until an actual ruling was handed down.

From what I read about him he’s been pretty lawsuit happy in his life. Seems he can’t take criticism and has even been fined for filing frivolous lawsuits.

Shhh, don’t tell them about the power settings in Windows that has been around for decades that essentially allows you to do the same thing. Their heads might literally explode when the find out MS Windows has been “woke” for so long and they never knew.

They blur out the pussies and not asses, and he is clearly assed faced.

They should deploy a trash wheel (or several) like they did recently in the Baltimore Harbor. Just one was able to gather 11 tons of garbage from the harbor in a single day.

Yet another reason I quit playing multiplayer\online only games yeeeears ago.

And apparently a bigot as well. Sheesh, this guy is an A class asshole!

The funny thing is Ian Brown is actually an engineer for Netflix and was an engineer for 8 years at Twitter. So he probably has a very good understanding of the Twitter stack.

He didn’t actually bully him out of the room, Ian Brown actually had the upper hand and had Musk on the ropes. Just when it was getting good, that Musk sack licker Hotz cut off Brown’s mic.

Yup, Musk the “engineer” got out-engineered by an actual engineer. It went as well as can be expected for that man-child Musk.

Aaaaand, SOLD OUT!!

That dude’s clearly starting to lose it. From spending 44bill on Twitter and it losing money hand over fist, to Tesla stock tanking, to his “free speech absoluteism” coming back to bite him in the ass. He looks like he’s headed for a mental breakdown. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him enter a facility soon. But being

Breaking news!!! Douchebag billionaire sues kid for posting publicly available information about him. News at who gives a fuck!!

Yeah, like the time he whined when Biden didn’t give him or Tesla credit for being a big part of the EV “revolution”.

They typically don’t so that anymore. They discovered (through research) that prolonged bedrest for injuries such as this is worse than getting them on their feet and moving around as soon as possible. A close friend of mine had both her hips replaced at the same time and they had her up and walking within a couple

All Ikea as managed to do here (besides unfairly bully the shit out of an indie dev) is ensure I, at least, will never shop at an Ikea store.

Yup, Salty’s right. Tracking them down on social media is just creepy. I’ve left my number maybe 6-8 times in the past, and only when I thought the flirting was much more overt that would be normal or typical in that situation. And of those times, I only got called twice.

It doesn’t even have to be a note, so to speak. Just jot your number down, nothing more. That’s worked for me on several occasions. It’s not creepy, it’s just a simple, “call me if you want” otherwise, forget it.

How many billions does SpaceX get from the US Government again?

Elon: US Government, you now need to fully fund Starlink and terminals in Ukraine.