Raaaaaaaadaniel Chicago

Well when there’s nowhere else to stand a fucking moron has to find somewhere to pitch a tent in their pants over their own opinions.

I would love to see Zuckerberg get Sue Martin to respond in-person.

Fine, it’s publicly traded, but either way it doesn’t matter because it still has nothing to do with the government, and is not subject to the demands of these whiny GOP pricks.

This makes as much sense as Congress requesting Taco Bell executives explain why the Gordita Crunch doesn’t resemble authentic Mexican food.

If you were the government and you could access a system that feeds a given individual tailored information that you could control, wouldn’t you like to get your hands on it?

What exactly does the US Senate, or a subset of it, have to do with the workings of a private company? Even if true, political belief isn’t a protected class (which is why legislatures can ban segregated restaurants) and it’s not like they’re benefiting from any anti-trust exemptions (which is why Congress can get

Bow tie, sport coat, shorts and oxfords with black socks? What an atrocious look. No wonder the fashion police were trying to rough him up.

That would make my tomcat a bro.

Vineyard Vines: For when you want to drink yourself stupid, throw a failed slow-motion haymaker, and get kicked in the neck...all while dressed like the preschooler with the coolest mom.

I once fell down a rabbit hole of Youtube vegans and it was a bunch of skinny, mostly very young, women being very sanctimonious about their eating disorders. It was disturbing as hell. I think a lot of the drama and fighting is the fact that all of these women are super ill.

Now I have to start that blog. I just bitch all day, yes?

That’s a pretty great idea: The Bad Vegan. I smell a book deal (that smell is NOT meth).

Yes, yes it is. I was vegan during my mid-teen years when I was mostly homeless and subsisted on soda, Newports, and cocaine.

Wow and I like that he wasn’t obnoxious about it too.

There’s seriously no shit happening if you eat that many bananas.

No. Absolutely no shit. Ever again.

No James, eating while not hungry will make you go bananas

“...eats 51 bananas a day...”

Why did I read all of that.

I’ll defer to Jia, who gave an excellent description of those people in her post on bullying today.