
I <3 GROOVESHARK haha its so great

@CIM: cloud itunes basically

so can me and my buddies get this and split the bill?? will they be checking up on IPs to make sure its all coming from the same house?

im sorry but i think that droid is much better to go with in the long run

i love Gmail they never stop impressing me :)

Birth by sleep :) one of the main reasons i watched e3, along with Re: coded and the 3ds's

@Swordfyre: I thought epic mickey looked cool haha

@Lazerbyte: i think that anyone who get the RROD from now on should get sent this one because its Microsoft's fault anyways

@The Sailerman: oh that makes a lot more sense i had no clue that was him haha

was i the only one who wanted to see sid older hahaha

So was the am i correct in assuming that we will not hear anything on KH 3 (for ps3) because the three games that square was referring to was

@eli2k: no thats epic mickey

i cant wait :) i really want to see KH3 gameplay

mine is kingdom hearts by far then FF