
looks good i was very impressed with the last kingdom hearts game for the DS

@shaunmcilroy: i agree but i dont think that its fair that the xbox has games only for xbox :( so if its only for ps3 i consider it justified

@Ryan M. Moore: I would look into rooting and try to put a new version of android on it... just a suggestion

looks great :) i just purchased a new radio that has one built in so i dont have to worry about this haah

@stpurniq: haha no problem glad to help

@UmitMacGuyver: CHROME the speed is great and they have add ons also

@stpurniq: With .tar you have to open up the folder and there is a shell file called firefox you have to click to start the program (after it has been extracted)... then you have to make a shortcut to that file (i would suggest putting the extracted firefox folder in your home folder with a period in front of it. so

@NyQuilPillz: haha no im just a teenager who loves music that much

does anyone have the monster beats studios by Dr. dre i really want them but i want to be sure the sound quality is as great as advertised

ok u guys if your going to judge nintendo for giving a little girl a DS your ridiculous. i dont know why whenever someone or something (nintendo) does something good people are always ridiculing. im sure a cancer kid would have liked it but it was very nice of nintendo to do this anyway, why is it so hard to say wow

steeling boxee's thunder much ): but its ok, i have boxee xbmc and WMC all on one box so i dont see my having much trouble adding this to it... any news weather google is going to make a .exe file for google tv so we can run it on a pc already hooked up to our tvs???

@Karasu-kun: kingdom hearts 358 1/2 days also

the white one looks like a 1980's telephone hahah

@NeVeRMoRe666: im thinking its going to be a random number like $97 so it seems cheap because of the number but its really only 3 dollars off of 100

This is perfect come out on my brithday .. im thinking im going to get the bundle pack .... now that psp has a few good games coming to it :)

@VincentGrey: I thought the DS game was fantastic... sure the graphics were not that great but S E was limited with the hardware... honestly i think it is the best game that i have ever played on the DS, although i do think it would have been nice if they would have used different movie clips rather then compressing

@Interstella5555: sorry i dont have time to look through everyones comments to make sure no one els thought what i thought