

not really an app but i LOVE LINUX

no chat, not interested

I thought it was going to be free ! .... i guess i shouldn't have assumed , when they said google was making a linux os the word FREE came to mind and almost all google products are.

@Paintbox: ya it would be nice but its not even thought linux does support a good amount of drivers it doesn't have more ... also with windows you have the ability to find the drivers els where, i can never find linux drivers anywhere #googlechromeos

couldnt someone use a different search engine to avoid this? like yahoo or bing? #remainders

cant wait

@penguiniator: o i know but it would be nice if they hid it or gave an option to hide it because i do know that some people like it but i prefer it hidden #ubuntu

IF IT WOULD JUST WORK ON LINUX I WOULD BE ALL OVER IT... i used to use this all the time before i discovered linux ! #streamingmedia

i like docky but thats pretty much the only dock for tux besides awn which it not better #dock

I like it a lot but i think they need to update compiz with some new effects even though it offers a wide range of them a few new ones now and then would be refreshing i like the speed but does anyone els get the dos looking "starting up" thing after the nice ubuntu boot screen comes up before the log in screen? just

vote: objectdock

@brodiemac: i think apple is worse in these types of situations they dont seem to play nice with anyone. #iphone

@jonny6pak: Keep in mind that hulu will soon be charging and you might want to look into Boxee i personally think its better but if you have an iphone/ipod touch you can use that as the remote its pretty cool