
On Facebook searching out old friends and college chums? And you see some news provided by the site? Sure, okay, why not?

No, but your comment history is pretty blatant.

I almost want to shout at her, “Welcome to being the mom of a black son!”

I know plenty of Cuban Americans who are doing that. And none of them live in Florida.

He deserves what he’s getting just like other people who’ve broken that law (most famously, John Galliano after his antisemitic outburst a few years back).

I wrote FLORIDA Cubans for a reason.

Yes, I could see that and believe it.

Some people have their head so far into the progessive pudding that they think anyone who isn’t fire-breathing in their rhetoric towards the GOP or even moderate Dems, is not worthy of listening to.

It’s an interesting theory and believable.

White people in New Jersey are acting like racist trash?

Yeah, it’s called “collegiality”.

I’m wondering, too.

I don’t understand how doing this is a bad thing, either?

Stacey Dash doesn’t understand why her Velveeta-laden macaroni sat un-eaten at Thanksgiving.

No. Condom use in the 80s was a hard push for years because people didn’t necessarily believe they would work, considered them “difficult”, or feared that even suggesting to partners to use them would imply they either had the disease or thought the partner did.  It was work to convince people to use condoms back in

It’s as if you think people are too stupid to worry about their sexual health, so giving them the option of PreP is too dangerous.

You thought Melania was going to cook??

Florida Cubans. Florida White Cubans. Or, rather, Florida white adjacent Cubans.

Stacey Dash thinks The Rolling Stone’s “Brown Sugar” is a love song.

Okay, with respect, and I think some of your points about condoms and STIs are quite right, by the way, you’re talking out of your ass about PreP.