
I find the show unwatchable these days after enjoying it for 3 or so seasons.

The Daily Mail reports that..”

He’s got his vape pen and the Grindr app open on his phone while he watches, he’ll be just FINE.

Another crap film about the art world.

The story itself? Is balanced and makes useful and interesting news points about the possibilities of what O’Rourke is doing or may be doing in future.

He’s black. He doesn’t smoke. He wears hat nearly all the time he’s outside in public. He appears to eat a balanced diet and work out.

Do I hear the raucous tones of toxic heteronormativity in the headline?

That’s fair.  I see your point.

Who cares?

They followed her into the bathroom specifically to harrass her, I’m betting.

Hell, no.

Why is it the commentariat picked up on this but the editors of Jezebel, didn’t?

Damn, I made a similar comment too late.

Bezos Dirty Sanchez Texts!

“They have a right to their opinion, but when we went down that road, we looked into the heirs of Don Shirley, and unfortunately it wasn’t the family. The heirs were friends,” the director told Variety. “When we found out about the family, we tried to embrace them, and they’re not having it right now, and it’s very

Better to apologize quickly over it than let it metastasize into a thing.

It’s about the retention only for me.

Please show me in the my original post that you responded to or subsequent ones where I’m “having it both ways”.

Now that you’ve said it, so do I!