Quint forever grey

Maybe because they were tapes. How has a tape deck anymore?

Actually, no. Please do record it. And take yourself straight to the police station too.

British Beans are more savory, none of that sugary stuff you have over here (I have to find shops that carry proper Beans, can't stand the sugary US version).

They tomatoes will be grilled (or maybe fired, but I'm guessing fried)

am I the only one who always reads his name as Prince Riebus?

why can't we hav both?

I think it's Tardis's since Tardis is an acronym. Either way it's a good plan.

he missed Bengazhi!!! No bonus round for him.

Shut up and take my money.

that makes slightly more sense. Slightly.

Your stretch might be a little bit less stretchy.

Maybe their thinking was along the lines of: "Since men are the (mostly) the problem, lets have men talk about how to fix themselves". (it's a stretch, I know).

Did anyone believe it was real?

Does this mean I can vote again?

I always go with the idea that everything on the 'net is just made up. It's a joke someone thought up and shopped it to look like an actual text messages (similar to those crazy craigslist posts). No way there are people so fucking clueless they think this would work.

Are you a grown up? If so you shouldn't be drinking chocolate milk. Unless you just ran out of booze., in which case it's ok.

One a shark the other half eaten victim.

I really don't get how GWAR is even a thing.

so who'd accept an exchange of my five cats for one owl?