Quentin Willson

So as ive been saying all along, they will be useful many years down the line, but right now are useless?

How are they more convenient? If i run out of charge does it take 5 minutes to fill up?

lol, you didnt answer my question.

No. Everything is adopted because it makes life more convenient.

So we are agreed then, if I accept your viewpoint, the electric car is completely useless now.

It is in 30 years. Definitely. We actually dont know how to harness graphene properly yet and probably wont for a few decades.

But it made life EASIER. The key the whole thing, human beings only adopt things when their own personal life is made EASIER.

What is the improvement to my life I would experience if I bought an electric car?

You could explain how these had drawbacks.

Where was the drawback?

i cant sit in an Acura. I live in the UK

realistic thinking is what Im doing.

Look, Ill give you a task.

I know, Im talking about real world range. Not the lies of someone driving it downhill and pretending.

Thats how the world works. No one actually cares about the environment, they care about themselves and how easy the world is to live in.

I honestly couldnt tell you. they could be a quaint reminder of what we trying to do 5 years ago, therefore very valuable, or if the electric car catches on and improvements are made, utterly redundant technology. I was using in your analogy the thought you considered them to be of equal value to normal cars. But how

I know. Everything he does is clearly above board.

lol @ at the furious tree hugging troll.

Why is this?

Why? Is a 100 mile range in 2014 going to be looked upon in 2019 as all we needed?