

Talk about a light in the shitty darkness that our culture can sometimes be....

Same here. It was hard just going through the day after that happened.

I recall getting stopped in my new Audi R8 Coupe by a cop who asked me if this was my vehicle. I answered in the affirmative, and his response was "Are you sure? Because you should tell me now if it isn't."

I wanna go FAST!!!

If only this gorgeous beast made it to production.....

Butt-hurt is relative.

That's how a smug douche do.

If you live in the NY area, I'd be glad to give you a ride in mine.....

He's too smart for us. Clearly doesn't want to be in the company of people who like and admire the two engineering perspectives of both Audi and Lamborghini.

I know rite?!?!

I'll give him the cat-like reflexes, but what he was doing here was just daft, hooning an F1 car in the rain.

What proof do you have for this assertion, other than apparently pulling it right out of your ass?

This makes me go back for another shot of single-malt scotch.

You'd imagine the NRA and other "gun-rights" organizations would support her, but suddenly they're silent.

And that had anything to do with this case because?

Reposted from my Facebook profile:

I don't get it.

Your father was a hamster, and your mother smelled of elderberries.