
Basically, yes.

OMG, thanks for posting this!

OMG! I just wasted my evening reading that, THANK YOU!!!

Love that series "Life in the Undergrowth"!

You do understand that "life" in the Jurassic didn't include humans right?

When you insist on challenging science that has reached consensus level, with loads of data to back it up, yes I do insist on you learning some science to either refute the science in question, or present your data supporting your position.

Stop pretending you know what you're talking about and go learn some science already.

Oh look, he made a funny.

Someone get Tony the Tiger back into his clothes, he needs another dose of antipsychotics. Theyrrrrre GREAT!

He was one of the first people I saw on TV when I immigrated to the US. His enthusiasm inflamed my nascent love of science, and now my work history includes cancer genomics, high performance computing, and other interesting work.

Yeah! Lets give them something that has never been shown to work in a peer reviewed study, or had any real documented success outside the charlatans that supposedly discovered it.

Fuck yes.

Well played sir. Well played.

I wish! Mine is a coupe since I do track events pretty often during the Spring/Summer.

Thats exactly what I did instead. A V10 R8 in white with CF everywhere available and I'm a happy camper.

*slow clap*

THIS right here.

You win the internet.

I should get one of those... My R8 was broken into recently to steal my Valentine 1 detector.