
I pretty much fall asleep to Futurama every night. Except when this episode is on. Because this is PAINFUL. Furthermore, no "Where No Fan Has Gone Before" in the top ten? That's unpossible.

Cameron: "I'm writing two scripts...". Oh, great.

Hee! I have a friend who does this also. With Barbies. And the dioramas are NSFW. Each day he emails a new picture. The narratives are quite...involved. And, needless to say, hilarious.

"To the contrary, left to their own devices most managers in any corporation—and surely most managers in a corporation that forbids sex discrimination—would select sex-neutral, performance-based criteria for hiring and promotion that produce no actionable disparity at all."

A friend of mine was really annoyed that I "spoiled" Milk (the movie, not the beverage) by discussing my memories of that time and the impact of those events. It probably goes without saying, a younger friend....

My brother and his wife used to "play catch"with their son when he was little — sometimes across the dinner table. And by "play catch" I mean, toss the kid back and forth. He loved it. (That brother was also famous for riding his motorcycle into our mom's house through the back door, through the kitchen, down the hall

Every time I am reminded of the awesomeness of Blake's 7, I head off to Amazon to see if it's on DVD (affordably) yet. Still not. Damn.

Other jobs: boxer, mascot, astronaut, baby proofer, imitation Krusty, truck driver, hippie, plow driver, food critic, conceptual artist, grease salesman, carny, mayor, grifter, body guard for the mayor, country western manager, garbage commissioner, mountain climber, farmer, inventor, Smithers, Poochie, celebrity

I kind of want Jensen Ackles to be in everything I watch. So, yes please.

Edgar Benedek from Shadow Chasers, a show from the 80's (70's?) I'd give just about anything to have on DVD.

My sister's first (and second) husband was a pretty far gone alcoholic. One night he came home late extremely drunk and decided to make himself a PB sandwich. He was doing it in the dark and trying to be quiet, of course. He took a bite and something seemed weird, so he abandoned the sandwich and went to bed. Next

It's like that SNL bit where someone asked Fred Thompson if he wanted to be president, and he shrugged and said, kinda.

"for whatever reason" you've never been able to achieve that dream? I can tell you what the reason is — you're a colossal douchebag who gives colossal douchebags a bad name.

I have this serious problem whenever I hear the words "TV theme song" I immediately start singing, "this is the theme to Garry's show the opening theme to Garry's show Garry called me up and asked if I would write his theme song. I'm almost halfway finished how do you like it so far" and etc. And them I'm aggravated.

Man, I wish I could go to that theater. A theater that actually kicks people out? Awesome! Was at the Camarillo Paseo last Saturday for the 5:30 showing of Midnight in Paris — you'd think the time of day plus the particular movie would mean civilized behavior. But no, the middle-aged couple sitting a few seats to my

I pack ALL my underwear when I travel. ALL OF IT. I don't have massive drawers full, of course. Wadded together? Everything I wear that goes on under clothes is about a kleenex box full. Unless it's an overnight during non-winter months, it's all coming with me.

I also like Katy Perry more than I like most of my own family. That being said, my feelings about Katy Perry are kind of a vague disinterest.

If the smiting comes personally and clothed in Dean Winchester, then I say bring it on! Not so much Adam, though.

Supernatural, actually. And thank Chuck for that! I'd be PISSED if I missed it.

Or, as it's commonly called, Fascist Island. It's unsettling. It gives off an end-of-the-world vibe — in a world-ending-due-to-pointless-and-unseemly-excess kind of way.