
@serenada: For the first time EVER with any show, I think I'm going to totally avoid spoilers, not watch the previews, close my eyes during the gues star lists, etc. I have a good feeling about this season. The only problem is, then I'll miss all the discussion here, and the insights of all you smart folks.

@TemporalSword: and furthermore, go straight to Tivo and don't bother with your cable company DVR. Trust me.

Kill The Dead is also an awesome Tanith Lee book — the adventures of "Parl Dro" and "Myal Lemyal" based on the characters of Avon and Vila from Blake's 7. Can't have too many mentions of Blake's 7.

@Blair Mitchelmore: I did read a few fanfics, back in the day, where Avon survived...that were pretty dang nihilistic. Man, I may have to start hunting for some of those on the 'nets.

@Andrizzleton: I ENVY your lack of knowledge! I'd give a lot to be able to watch the show again, unspoiled. Will it EVER come out on Region 1 DVD??!?

@lolita7b3: The body language of Mrs. Smug Guy is disturbing.

I wish I lived in Arizona. So I could MOVE AWAY.

When I was a kid my mom and I were putting away groceries. Back in the laundry room/pantry, we had two refrigerators facing each other — about four feet between them. We had one open and we both reached for a one-gallon milk box in a bag on the floor, our arms making a sort of "V". Out of the open fridge came a ball

@emfish55: Despite the fact that it's been gone for at least a year, I still check Costco for the Martha Stewart chicken "slab pie". That was AMAZING.

I went to cons back in the late 70's put on by PSST — Puget Sound Star Trekkers. As I recall, the first one was rather low key and successful. The next one ramped up quite a bit — Harlan Ellison and Robert Heinlein were both there. I ran into them talking, and asked if I could take a picture, which they allowed.

@Fetuseatus: I'm sure it's terrible, but you should go. Build up bad-movie karma — you'll know eventually you'll pick a stinker. I picked the Simpsons movie, and I love the Simpsons, but .

@SupaChupacabra: Agreed 100%. Last time I moved I got rid of 95% of my comics, going back to the mid-70's — dang I'm old — but this is one fo the few I kept.

@SimonGodOfHairdos (is actually a chick): I had all four wisdom teeth out, plus another surgical procedure at the same time — an adult tooth had grown into the roof of my mouth and had to be dug out. I got Darvocet. Mmmmm....Darvocet.

@AllApologies: Well, being a particularly uptight 18, I just sort of awkwardly laughed and avoided discussing it (and gave him a ride home). But I did quit the next day. A year later I went back there and delivered the rebuke I felt at the time he deserved — and he apologized sincerely and said he'd been so upset

@cuckoo chanel: Actually, isn't that from a movie? There was a watered down version of the joke in Tootsie.

When I was about 18, I went to work at a local bookstore run by an older couple. The wife died of cancer and the husband was really broken up about it. A few weeks later he asked if I would go with him to scatter her ashes off a ferry — his two sons didn't want to for some reason. I'd really loved her, so I agreed.

When I was a little girl, my grandfather died. My mom and I went to his house one day and mom was speaking to his (much younger) second wife in the kitchen, while I was in the little sitting room. I could hear the two of them talking about how he was dead, how the wife was probably going to go back to Alaska where

@round_room777: Martha's red leather jacket can be purchased for about $200...if I was sure it was decent quality, I'd be buying it this very minute. Gorgeous! Probably loses something without the actress, though.

TLC is now 'unfavorited' on my Tivo, along with CNN and all the Fox channels. I'm a Nielsen home, and I don't want to watch any of those channels even by accident. (I do miss the Simpsons.)

In the early 80's I worked in an office with a woman who wore turquoise eyeshadow that covered about 20% of her entiore face, with such sharp lines she must have used a straight edge. Every day. She also had no eyebrows to speak of — plucked to death. Can't we get the early 70's back instead?