
@RenoDakota: Same here — I got darvocet. Which I liked a whole lot. And still look at longingly when I visit a pharmacia south of the border.

I dunno...it almost seems like free speech is kind of irrelevant here. It seems to me to be mental illness. If any other clearly crazy dude is standing on a streetcorner ranting in a manner intended to inflame and incite, wouldn't the white van come for him?

Is anyone else as fame-whored out as I am? And as terrified at the idea of a practitioner actually holding elected office?

All through high school I "dated" a guy who turned out to be gay...though he later switched back and had a boatload of kids and goes to some wacko church...but I digress, that's a whole other trauma. I didn't want to go to prom, I encouraged him to take a good friend of ours who DID but had no likely date

Wedding cake can be anything — I even was at a wedding once where the 'cake' was some kind of sweet pretzel piled up like Jenga. (Excellent, BTW.) But traditionally, wedding cake is a white cake with cream cheese frosting and maybe a not-overpowering lemon filling. Also, pumpkin pie is horrible.