
it fits with his later statements about childhood/adulthood that he came up with it first— it’s *such* a Creative Writing 101 Faux-Deep moment, to have a novel about Childhood Being Spooky have a sex scene where the children become adults/ where they escape the Spooky Childhood. I’d bet hard money that was in the

Also, in the previous arc by Soule, the Purple Children made it impossible for anyone to remember who Daredevil was unless Matt told them, ala Spidey and One More Day

America’s exploration of sexuality is fresh? In what way?

it raises the question. “Begging the question” is a specific logical fallacy.

io9, when criticizing the comments of an Asian man about his choices when casting white vs Asian actors in a roll, maybe don’t get a white lady to write that article? Like, yeah, good job for acknowledging that briefly in the article itself, but that’s like the lowest bar possible, and unnecessary if you got actually

peace and long life

You wasted my time with your obnoxious comment, I returned the favor.

Semantics, dude. We all know that comic books aren’t real. We also know that if you refer to the “real” joker, that’s shorthand for the canon joker in the main DC universe in which most of their books are published. That’s how those words work.

Yep! That’s been the big background bat mystery.

made worse by the fact that the Joker’s identity (or Identities, plural) has been a slow burning major plot in Rebirth.

Missing only one thing: “Stinger after credits where hero says something that is clearly INTENDED to be funny, while final uncessary bwaa plays”


the people upset about this do not know what a variant cover is. Nor do they know that bleeding cool headlines are not to be trusted.

it would be a problem if the Bleeding Cool headline was accurate, which it isn’t.

You’re right that he’s not being written as hydra and all this mania is ridiculous, but wrong about his core character trait— that really hasn’t been a thing since EARLY Claremont. There was a return to it in late Claremont, and Morrison played it with a little, but both have been mostly abandoned and we got back the

And he isn’t joining nazis. We have absolutely no reason to believe, and lots of evidence to reject, the idea that magneto is joining hydra.

The actual ongoing comic is actually about the rise of Nazis and anti-semitism in the world, and we have absolutely no reason to believe that Magneto is actually a fucking nazi. He’s on a variant cover to the book; he’ll likely show up in Secret Empire. That’s all we know. And given that Cullen Bunn is writing act 3

This article doesn’t answer the question in your headline. Real answer: Bleeding Cool ran a clickbait headline saying that Magneto was being turned into a nazi. This was posted to twitter. A few hundred people who don’t know what a variant cover is, don’t know what Bleeding Cool is, and only follow marvel comics via

the quote in question is not the headline, and the headline, in this case, seems pretty dang accurate.

“I don’t look back” is code for “it irritates me that the peak of my career was 20 years ago.”