Well, yeah. Why don’t you believe them when they tell you that there is a Holy War™ going on?
Well, yeah. Why don’t you believe them when they tell you that there is a Holy War™ going on?
Strap him down to a bed for full detox and withdrawal with no pain medication. While there Teletubbies should be played on a continuous loop.
Speak not ill of the accordion.
And bagpipes are a weapon of psychological warfare banned in both heaven and hell.
If a person doing this scam is caught they don’t have to worry about being killed; they will be kept very much ALIVE for their torment.
See, I was taking “modern” astronomy to be after the start of the Industrial Age.
I love the smell of murdered memes in the morning.
SIX classical planets which includes Saturn. Galileo Galilei was the first to observe Saturn with a telescope in 1610.
As a lazily practicing apathist I aggressively don’t give a damn about what an individual believes until it affects people that don’t believe it or don’t consent to be party to the actions of the faithful individual.
Question not the rationality of this particular brand of spirituality lest all come into question.
Reminds me of Tesla: they know their tech but have been struggling mightily with automotive industrial hardware. Oh the hubris of assuming that skill in one area makes one superior in others.
They meant “lunch”. After enough free burrito lunches the launch will be fueled.
From the original movie
Fire departments and ambulances can charge callers of false calls and pranks. Sometimes even real criminal charges are levied.
I’m waiting for this digital helper and no other will suffice:
This is the mentality that convinces a government to administer G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate to the populace.
After many years of working on dusty, dirty, hair and grime filled computers I made one that would stay clean and operate as quietly as possible.