
I don’t think I’d be in a huge hurry to see a movie about people who assaulted me.

Fuck, being in the audience of that parade sucks ass. I can’t imagine the hell of actually having to be in it.

I thought the movie was a missed opportunity to explore the ways in which Nancy and Tonya were so similar, yet they were ultimately pitted against each other in a narrative that was shaped by image makers and media personalities. They were both working class, albeit from opposite ends of the country, both outsiders in

National attention isn’t the novelty to Nancy Kerrigan that it would be to you or me, and the movie focuses on her attacker, not her, which I can’t imagine is something she’s eager to see.

Also, this reminds me of one of Chuck Klosterman’s hypothetical questions.

Julie Brown? Downtown or regular-type?

About 18 months ago, I went ice skating on a weekday. And there were only like 3 people there. So we were talking a bit. The one girl there was a really strong skater. When she was gliding I could not catch up to her. She was nice. She said she had just moved to the city and was glad to find an ice rink.

Or the porn version of ‘I, Tonya’:

She does have $8M according to the internet (never that accurate, but all I’ve got), so I don’t know that she’s got nothing. Tonya did have to do porn and box people for money. I still think you would rather be Nancy than Tonya after everything is said and done.

Does Jeff Gillooly deserve to be called a werewolf?

Kerrigan got a silver medal in that Olympics, I’d hardly call that nothing.

Still can’t believe Justin Timberlake gets to host the Super Bowl halftime show. Well, I can believe it. Institutionalized misogyny and all.

Agreed. The fact he also used predominantly blond(e), white Norway as an example of the type of country he doesn’t consider a ‘shithole’ indicates that Trump is effectively a modern-day Hitler, merely but thankfully constrained by the US Constitution.



I feel like the emphasis on the word “shithole” might be shifting the attention from the real issue, which is Trump’s rampant, unrepentant racism. He could’ve said “poverty-stricken countries” and it would’ve still been as bigoted.

No, I had a feeling.

This isn’t even the first adaptation :D

giving us some additional glimpses of the fact-hating world that these guys live in.”

Fahrenheit 452: This Time, Montag’s Gonna Throw The Book At Them