
At the end of the day, though, Kefka accomplished everything his World of Balance self wanted.

And even after defeating him in the end, it changes nothing about the state of the planet:

- The world has been changed forever
- Millions, if not billions, are dead, with the remnants of humanity left to pick up the pieces

Not sure if that was the original purpose of your publication, but I think a lot of people will agree that we need a bit of hope right now due to the current state of the world. Let’s make 2018 better. Thanks :)

If you haven’t, find OC Remix’s FFVI album Balance and Ruin: It’s spectacular.

They say a hero is as big as the evil he fights and Kefka was evil incarnate. Not only he desires power and chaos, but also becomes the personal asshole for most of the characters before he destroys the world.

Great write up and a good study on the matter. You respect the material in the game without seemingly grasping for a “new spin on a classic”. It’s great to see this content - Your articles are what I look forward to!

Kefka was a god for a year and reshaped the world. He wins, until he gets his ass kicked.

Sephiroth is a badass. Kuja is pretty. Ultimecia is...Ultimecia. But Kefka will always be the villain who won. Seeing how he reshaped the world was just mind blowing. Finding your old party members, shattered and broken, is heartwrenching. Which is what makes recruiting all of them, seeing them overcome their

Terra’s arc is really unique because it explores her multiracial identity. She struggles with who she is and where she belongs in the world. In the World of Balance, there is a lot of pressure on her to help because she is “special”. For a time, she accepts this as her role but is still plagued by doubts.

Love this article. FFVI will always be the top of my list for many of reasons you said but even now, decades later, that soundtrack. It has many tracks that stand on their own, Johnny C Bad, Mog’s theme to name a couple. But the way the way it helped tell the story was amazing. As you mentioned, the bleak, haunting

That some kind of eastern thing?

A wiser fella once said, sometimes you eat the donkey sauce, and sometimes, well, the donkey sauce eats you.

Chinese investment.

What’s the point of a city that’s too expensive to actually live in? This isn’t about Fieri’s restaurant specifically, just a general observation about high-demand urban areas that continually raise cost of living until the only people that can afford to exist are millionaires.

He massacred those barbecued ribs. They never stood a chance.

And here’s a video of all the places you’d rather be than here....

Check out the Wells review linked above, it’s amazing, and really the only reason I know who Fieri is.

...because we should forever associate diner food with the smell of our own piss.

Except his last name is actually Ferry.

If it’s garbage the flak isn’t misplaced. Things that are garbage always and should get flak. That’s why we have flak.

Bye, Fieri