
I like David Tennant, but he does tend to be very over the top in general. His Doctor Who was often bundles of fun, but his exaggerated tendancies often weakened a lot of the dramatic stuff for me. He was perfect in Broadchurch.

Remember Harry Potter before all the shameless movie-merchandise scarves, uniforms, ties, etc.?

Is she meant to be middle-aged, though? Certainly the woman playing her isn’t a teenager, but I don’t think we’re supposed to notice that (though plainly it didn’t work in your case).

Love will not prevent your husband from getting killed, but it will prevent your offspring from getting killed in select, highly specific scenarios.

Pretty sure that was just David Tennant, the man hasn’t met a piece of scenery he doesn’t want to chew

Order of the Phoenix has a memorable climax. Until then it’s so angst-ridden and hormonal. Still, I’d rather rewatch it than Chamber of Secrets.

I think we can all agree that Chamber of Secrets was the worst Harry Potter film. it was like eight hours long and felt more like a BBC costume drama than a movie, but at least Kenneth Branagh showed up every few minutes to breathe life into it.

None of the Harry Potter movies are bad, but I guess Chamber of Secrets is the least eventful (just wouldn’t call “worst”).

Politics Corner gets no holiday break at work, it is friggin artic outside, and plus, today - flat tire. So I’m taking a step back from lengthy posts about policy. But I’m still posting.

Politics Corner - Trump’s first campaign manager Corey Lewandowski was charged with sexual assault for slapping the ass of a vocal

Roughly 200 members of Congress: “We have a library...?”

I can picture some future archaeologist, confronting an archive of billions of Tweets, getting 10 or 20 deep, and throwing up his hands.

Want to know why the Library of Congress is stopping the archive?

Guys. It’s time for some game theory. 1/420

Fuck Twitter.

They can go back to sleep.

There were also some dick jokes, fart jokes, and boobie pics.

I wouldn’t say it’s (entirely) a waste of time. There hasn’t been anything like Twitter as a part of the historical record: the minute-by-minute immediate reactions of people to current events, unfiltered through memoirs and memories. It’s a boon for future historians trying to make sense of (part of) the world, e.g.,

i feel like i should be commenting on this article, but i don’t know if i actually have anything to say. it’s been a while since an indie rock album really gave me pause and made me think about how singularly great it was. i don’t know if i’ve experienced that since past life martyred saints. american dream and pure

His whole cabinet should attempt opening the Ark of the Covenant.

I hope the Democrat who replaces Trump is a man or woman who has considerable personal integrity, a platform of far-reaching progressive policies, a sober, thoughtful disposition, and exactly as much disdain for the traditions of the office as this asshole. I hope they replace the Presidential Seal with a

I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass for two years.