
Do they still suggest that you should avoid the Noid?

Maybe I just have nostalgia goggles on, but I seem to remember un-Kinja-fied AVClub being much more civil than whatever this shit is.

No, “bam” is Emeril Lagasse. (“Spice weasel” is Elzar.)

What did I tell you about conveying information relating to odds?

More like a cheap, seconds-from-malfunctioning animatronic to me.

I love it when people see movie villains as stand-ins for themselves. It shows that on some level they actually know that they’re bad people.

That’s too good for him! Why should he get to die delicious?

Dr. Evil: All right guard, begin the unnecessarily slow-moving dipping mechanism.

Actually, I’d say its pretty clear he’s one of those people who thinks everyone ELSE at the KKK party is a racist... He’d like you to know he’s just there because he wants to ensure both races remain pure.

Hey, Sabo, doesn’t it undermine the whole purpose of a smear campaign to announce that it was a smear campaign created our of petty revenge? Doesn’t that increase the chances of people sympathising with Streep? Why are you and every other white supremacist fuckknuckle so bad at this stuff?

They should slowly lower him into a boiling vat of garlic butter sauce. 

Maybe she was too busy polishing all her Oscars to pay attention to the (snow-covered mountain of) rumors, innuendo and allegations over the years?

Movie: (covers actual events that happened to real people forty years ago and is based in part on historical record)

Is Streep on the list of people in Hollywood who should’ve known and should’ve spoken up? Probably. But who in Hollywood from the past 40 years is OFF that list? Anyone?

It occurs to me that Peyton Manning has wisely stayed below the radar over the last year, all the better to prevent people from remembering that he has a history of sexual assault and - no less embarrassing - a major business partnership with Papa John’s.

Wait, we don’t like Meryl Streep now? Someone needs to make an app. I can’t keep track.

So if all these other people knew about Weinstein (or at least suspected), why was it specifically Streep’s responsibility to spread the word?

Why would anyone connect The Post, a movie about journalists exposing the self-serving lies of a pathologically dishonest and thoroughly corrupt administration, and Donald Trump? I’m just not seeing the parallels.

To be fair, it doesn’t mean she didn’t know. I’m not saying she did, but disproving the motivations of a fraction of people who said she did isn’t a “gotcha” you’re looking for here.

“KeyserRoll your steaming pile of crow is ready at the Take-out Counter”