
Ah, but where does this fall on the “must see in theaters”-”wait to stream at home”-”folding laundry”-”naptime” spectrum of recommendations? (I feel like laundry and napping are the front runners?)

It actually sounds like time might be better spent reading Alice Hoffman’s Museum of Extraordinary Things and putting on

Yeah I don’t care how bad it is. I love musicals and Hugh Jackman, so I was in once I saw the trailer. I know its not reality, its schmaltzy and probably won’t touch on animal abuse but I’m already a fan of the songs they released.

Welp, it looks like I found the movie I’ll watch with my mom on Christmas Day.

*sighs, deletes angry rant*

The middle class in America just took what is likely it’s death blow, but it’s good to see people who have their priorities straight. 

Mah momma allus sayid: “Stupid is as stupid dreams!”

Middle Eastern guy over here... At least you get to not be the villain now.

not who I was referring to but you’re not wrong

Plus, he really hates those Nazis.

People have a problem when a much oppressed and systemically marginalised people go onto oppress and systemically marginalise another group of people.

Well, she’s Jewish but her character is pseudo-Greek, so in terms of the article I don’t think that counts.

GI Jew: A Real American Hebrew

A Serious Plan.

For a time in the 50's Israelis were seen as some kind of super fighters and admired as such. Then they kept winning, were no longer underdogs and it started getting ugly.

It’s a gut thing. I can’t say it’s anything particularly brilliant, it just feels good sometimes to feel like you’re in the Hall of Heroes. That the culture recognizes people like you can be heroic in not just the realistic sense, but in the epic manner. If you don’t feel it, more power to you.

Oddly enough it’s the straight white non-Jewish men who have the biggest issues with being able to relate to someone who isn’t like them. Everyone else has long since learned to make do.

You seem eager to make it about her.

Jesus is the titular character, but Judas is really the lead. Although Jesus needs some pretty big pipes too. Hardly an unimportant role.

My Priest gave me a VHS of Jesus Christ Superstar as a present for my First Communion. Maybe California Priests are different.

But it’s JOHN LEGEND. Look at that man... how can you get angry at that face? He looks like he’s about to take the cameraman into his arms and rock him gently to sleep, letting him know that everything is going to be alright...