
Aren’t the kind of people who would take issue with Legend playing Jesus exactly the same people who would already take issue with Jesus Christ Superstar in concept? So it’s basically just a matter of huffy people getting a bit huffier?

Kinja didn’t happen in 2017.

My Vote goes to:

(Dis)Honourable mention goes to Kinja.

I only said that to explain my ignorance, not to brag. I was hoping to head off snarky comments, which I can now see that was futile.

It was a genuine question. Thanks for responding.

“You mess with the bull, young man, you get the horns”

Rocky Mountain oysters.

It’s like people forget the Eminem does whatever the fuck he wants. It’s up to YOU to buy it or not. He’s never cared, never will. That’s the whole point of the music he makes.

I had to check the comments, because I remembered those albums being trash. We’ve been done with apologetic, over explaining Em. Stick to the bars and ditch the weird voices.

Try and rob a bank with one, then use that argument w/ the judge.

As someone who is pretty anti-Christmas Story (the appeal of it is very much lost on me), I’ve got to say that I was pleasantly surprised, and ended up enjoying this much more than I thought I would.

You make it a musical.

Oh, and the Chinese restaurant song subversion was appreciated! They were great singers!

A good chunk of the album would be in the Medium Place while “Look What You Made Me Do” would be playing in the Bad Place on a loop.

For me Taylor’s music is like an ice cream cone. Sweetly delectable on the rare occasion, but I wouldn’t want to subsist on it.

“...until all the women start to come.”

I’m perfectly fine with Taylor Swift as an artist. She makes fine music and, if people love her, more power to ‘em. That said, Taylor Swift as a business entity bothers me. There is something so openly impersonal and craven about “Taylor Swift” the Corporation.

I was banned for offhandedly mentioning Garth Brooks.

I doubt these guys are big on Taylor Swift; she’s more of a Lizzie gal.