
It’s all a matter of perspective. When you’ve never faced any real threat to your life or well-being, you take every perceived threat way too seriously.

They will as soon as the NRA tells them roller-coasters and carnies are coming for their guns.

The blood never dries before we’re soaked in it again

They gun murder rate is lower than ours.

I’ve heard this one...

If the government really did decide to come for you, it won’t be G-men knocking on your door. The gov’t has drones. And tanks. And could take you out from a remote building 500 miles away.

I love that they think an AR15 is going to stop a smart bomb or tank

Exactly. And that was never the intent of the second amendment anyway.

Not only do we have a military so advanced that standing up to it is laughable, having a gun in hand is step one to getting you shot by the police, whether you plan to do anything with it or not. Yeah, they’ll profile black dudes first, but if you’ve got a weapon on you while talking to an authority figure you WILL be

That’s just people though. The background horror stays in the background. The splashy shit gets all the attention even though it’s not the real problem. Terrorism isn’t even a drop in the bucket but 9/11 changed this country in a million terrible ways because Something Must Be Done! Poverty drives every bad thing

Over the past few weeks i’ve given up on trying to convince people that guns are the root cause of the issue. It just doesnt work.

I find it amusing when someone inevitably says something about a “period of healing” after these gun slayings. There is no period of healing, just a brief respite between atrocities...

The whole “now’s not the time to talk about it” thing is starting to feel like saying “we can’t have an intervention when he’s high.” Kinda makes for an impossible situation when there are no lapses.

long, surreal batshit that’s been cobbled together from stock character models, animations, and sounds

This article has me definitely rethinking letting our child anywhere near YouTube. We started off saying we wouldn’t let her watch anything, but of course, we were tired one day and sometimes you need a just a moment to get the dishes done. We have always tried to be in the room and watching but these videos do come

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

I’ve occasionally been sucked into watching a ton of those kinds of horrific things. I’m honestly somewhat surprised by just how MUCH there is. It feels like an infinite supply of those Finger Family things exists, not even considering all of the other combinations of licensed stuff that get cobbled together. It’s

Smaller kids will watch the same video endlessly, so I’d wager they make some cash off of the ads

And for the sake of whatever piteous shreds of sanity you might have left, don’t click on that Frozen Tumblr article.

Ladies & gentlemen, I present: Damn near everything that’s on Adult Swim these days that’s not Rick & Morty