
Where does Everybody Hates Chris Terry Crews fall?

Look at me, I’m a Hippie! Peace, man! Groovy! Ban the Bottle! Bomb Vietnam! 4 more years! I’m not a crook! Sock it to...ME!?!?


I think the drummer started some band that you can probably dig up in the deepest darkest recesses of youtube, if you look really hard.

Man, what happened to those nirvana kids after their one hit. Did we ever hear from them again?

“Hasta la vista, baby!”

I also remember a time when you’d have “CANCERAIDS!” wished upon you a dozen time over for your firstie by the time I scrolled down to the comments. Sadly, those days are long gone.

Back when it was full-sized, Rolling Stone was a great surface on which to sort out all the stems and seeds.

Ah yes.

“Big fireball. A HUGE fireball, like a 6d6 fireball. Just watch, you’ll see.”

So X-Files Skinner as opposed to Simpsons Skinner.

Rumor has it when Dotard-In-Chief went to it

And Robert Mueller would be their Skinner - he’s got to maintain the staid face of the organization, but he quietly supports their endeavors.

...actually I think if we could just get all the world leaders to play D&D the world would be a better place. Kill that band of balrogs in the name of world peace yo.

Hey, if Chewbacca Mom can do it...

She is owning her actions. She’s neither seeking glory nor hiding. Her name would have disappeared within a week if she hadn’t been fired for this. Her anger is not hers alone, but having a name makes the story a story - specificity is the soul of narrative.

Liberals need to understand there is totally a double standard in play right now, and they will always be held to a higher standard, and plan their protests accordingly. I’m not saying not to flip that asshole off, but don’t put it on your profiles and unless you are outed by the press, don’t even claim credit. It

She has it. She’s not going to jail, she just got fired. Freedom to speak does not mean freedom from the consequences of your speech.

I think future presidents should consider D&D as a hobby. It’s cheaper then golf since you don’t need to travel, it encourages teamwork, and it’s a great way to make friends so it’s perfect for making allies.

She and the Twitter tech who deleted Trump’s account should team up and solve crimes around quirky small-town America.