
I find it offensive.

Yeah, I have to say, that monologue was terrible. Not a single joke, hell not even a moving picture, just the text “The uploader has not made this video available in your country.” I mean, can we even call that a monologue, then? Larry David definitely dropped the ball here.

And, if the CMA’s have their way we’ll all just forget a single person managed to create nearly 600 casualties, at a country music festival, within minutes and before anyone could stop him. And somehow that’s considered the cost of doing business. Yeah, let’s not talk about that, or even acknowledge it even happened.

Also, injured like 500 people. Definitely not an act of terror.

If only there was a good guy with some good questions that could have stopped him. “Don’t all lives matter?” “Without statues how will we remember history?” “Didn’t our Founding Fathers fight for our right to own grenade launchers?”

In other news the cover being sung of Folsom Prison Blues in light of not discussing current events regarding guns the lyrics have been changed to:

And beer

It just broke on CNN that someone in Nashville has gone an a mass gun-question spree. Word is as many as sixteen country music stars were hit by a volley of over one hundred gun-control questions in less than five minutes.

I was in college in Kingston at the time, there was about 20 of us at a buddies apartment watching it. I don’t recall any of the rest of the show, but I will always remember Gord changing the opening lyric to “They say we’re Tragically Hip” and it was like FUCK YEAH!

The Pumpkins could be really inconsistent live because so much depended on Billy’s mood that day. But when they were on, they were fucking gods.

LL Cool J is a good one.

This is going to sound painfully earnest and sentimental, but the performance that sticks with me the most is Paul Simon’s singing of “The Boxer” on the first post 9/11 episode of SNL. Everything that I could say about that day and the days that followed has been better said already. Suffice it to say, it was just a

Prince on SNL. Look it up, it’s electric.

Well, that’s his old network so I’m not surprised he watches SNL. I think Comedy Central went off his radar after Jon Stewart left and stopped calling him Clownstick Von Fuckface.

I somehow missed this shows existence for the most part. Every time I see a clip of it though I cannot help but feel like they understand comedy involving Trump moreso than SNL.

The real story here is that the president of the United States’ Twitter account is somehow both a relevant and controversial topic, and has been for over a year. What fucking world is this?

Oh, this was so dark...

So, it took an employee on his or her last day to actually enforce Twitter’s terms of service.

Fuck Gawkmodo in the ass. Destructive assholes.