
For the most part, I’ve done my best to grant that wish. I just pop in once or twice a month to count the tumbleweeds.

They’re still waiting for one of their employees to die horrifically-but-not-too-horrifically so that there’s a brain left.

They own the distribution rights (duh), but you’ll still get a producer credit.

Ok, weirdo.

Same here. A hollow reminder of what once was.

My wee little dogs would go batcrap over strange Amazon folks letting themselves in. Plus, I’d feel like I’d need to clean up the joint to have it presentable for them to leave a package inside my door. But seriously, so many changes at Amazon from week to week... organizing that empire must be a nightmare. Second

Well in the ad, it looks like they’re allowing for their services to have access to your home too. Personally I like to meet whomever is allowed in my house before giving them access, but to each their own

If there was a dedicated box or even a storefront location nearby where my packages could be safely and securely deposited, this technology would be pointless.

I salute you for your ability to still have snark towards our eventual Amazon overlords. I have nothing left but fear and loathing.

Does this include a skewering of the AV Club where they misspell ‘alumni’?
Priceless, that is so AV Club! 

The AV Club’s corporate overlords hate us and just wish we would all go away and leave them alone.

Here are some phrases that rhyme with Paul Ryan.. “Tall Lyin’”.. “Small Cryin’”.. “Football Buy-in”

This feature makes me very sad now.

“You know... That 18th Transformers movie really made me re-assess my opinion of Michael Bay.”

“Will you marry me?”

Pinch hitting for Pedro Borbon... Manny Mota... Mota... Mota...


God bless Donald Tr...

“I’m finally happy with myself and the world around me!”

Does this qualify as a meme at this point? Or is it still supposed to be a joke?