
His last piece of genuinely great writing. Those final years were incredibly sloppy, leaning toward really sad. Let that be a lesson to you kids out there.

As a person who plays very few video games, I’ll be all over this. Katamari Damacy and Animal Crossing are the two games I totally obsessed over. Hopefully, I can plant coconuts on the beach in between rearranging furniture for hours on end.

Stand by me

Sure. HE caused the division. Everyone loved each other before he knelt. Shoot the messenger. Always works fine to solve problems.

I gotta disagree. The flashiest, most memorable stuff from Thompson involves the clever insults and freak outs, but underneath all that, he was a damn fine journalist. You can see this more in Hell’s Angels and his pre-book reportage — I’m thinking of a piece he wrote on mid-century housing discrimination in Kentucky

You can’t politicize the National Anthem. IT’S THE NATIONAL ANTHEM! It’s inherently political.

Standing for the national anthem ain’t his job

To me it always seemed pretty straightforward: it’s about how jealousy can consume a long-term relationship, largely because you can never truly know the other person.

That’s a lot of words...have a star!

Don’t Stand So Close To Me

Standing Room Only

Any guesses what the title will be? My guess is — I won’t Stand for this...

For whatever weird reason, I never managed to pick up Transmetropolitan, despite it seeming to be right up my alley (esp. back in the day) and many many people whose tastes align with mine urging me to do so.

One of the great things about Kubrick’s films is that he left them open to interpretation. So, a documentary explaining Eyes Wide Shut sounds misbegotten on its whole premise.

No. No part of Barry Lyndon needed to be cut.

It’s about the Illuminati.

Gutting is a bit much. You don’t think Barry Lyndon could’ve been slimmed a bit? Or Full metal Jacket? Even parts of Clockwork Orange drag a bit and I love it.

Doing Halloween this year for the first time in years and decided to do HST.

As an abject lover of Thompson’s work, admirer of Gilliam’s ‘Fear and Loathing’, and as one that can even see the charm in “Where the Buffalo Roam” (Bill Murray as Thompson was pretty damned inspired at the time), NO NO NO NO NO.